Hooke Court Day 1 - We set off towards Dorchester, upon arrival we had lunch and then went to Maiden castle - this is where our adventures really began! Alan, our tutor from Hooke Court told us all about the Iron Age hill fort that would have gleamed chalk white and from where you can see for miles around - very handy when there is a Roman army approaching. We walked to the top - it was very windy but the children did incredibly well despite the elements. At one point they all joined hands to show how big a Celtic roundhouse would have been - Jack ran off to fetch some water - it would have been a long trip to do that everyday. At one point, the children attacked their teachers, running uphill to get to us - just like the Romans would have done to the Celts. They managed to reach us quicker than I thought they would!
Once we arrived at Hooke Court, the children settled into their dorms, we had some dinner and then our first activity at HC - life of a Roman Soldier. The children learnt all about Roman armour and then did some teamwork exercises where they worked really well together to earn points for their teams. A super first day.