"Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return but because of who you are" - Rabbi Harold Kushner
Curriculum intent
RE makes a strong contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils. RE is a preparation for life, not just education in the various major world religions. We aim for pupils to build knowledge progressively in RE as they move through the school and we recognise that much of what they learn will help enrich their wider subject knowledge in other areas. RE helps us consider examples of wisdom, kindness and responsibility and encourages us to apply these values through our life together. We provide an atmosphere where religion and a spiritual life is understood as an important dimension of being human. We develop knowledge and understanding of different religious beliefs and provide opportunities for pupils to reflect upon and grow in understanding of their own faith. We provide opportunities for pupils to understand themselves and others. We believe that RE encourages a wise and reflective approach to life, as well as giving a general knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs and practices.
"Respect and reverence for God is the foundation of wisdom" - Proverbs 1.9