Buckland is an inclusive mainstream academy school. Our aim for pupils who have been identified as having SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), is to ensure that they are supported whilst also making sure they are fully included in the life of the school.
Buckland School provides additional help, support and guidance to children and young people with a wide range of SEND including those with:
Our SEND children are fully integrated into our four classes with small group spaces used for specific provision and support.
Early identification of SEND is vital to ensuring positive outcomes for pupils. We follow guidance from the Oxfordshire County Council publication, Identifying and Supporting Special Educational Needs in Oxfordshire Schools and Settings and the 2015, Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0- 25 Years, when identifying and supporting pupils with SEND.
Through quality first and adaptive teaching, we do our utmost to ensure that pupil’s needs are met in the mainstream classroom, wherever possible, so that pupils can learn and make good progress in school. Staff employ carefully planned strategies to support each individual student, including access to specific resources and additional training when needed.
We also have excellent links with outside agencies who further support and advise on our provision for pupils. These include the: Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy Service, Communication and Interaction Service, Autism Support, Young People’s Mental Health Services (CYPMHS), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Children’s Social Care (LCSS), The Mulberry Bush Outreach Service, SENDIASS Parent Partnership Service and the Advisory Team for Inclusion and Early Years Inclusion.
All mainstream schools have a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo). They work with pupils, staff and parents to support pupils who need extra help to achieve their full potential at school.
Our SENDCo is Miss Kim Hatton.
Should you have any queries please contact kihatton@buc.cambrianlt.org
Our Acting Headteacher is Mrs Emma Brown.
You can also address any queries by contacting embrown@buc.cambrianlt.org
Our Inclusion Manager is Mrs Libby Eastburn.
Our governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Mary Lines.
Special Educational Needs Support in Oxfordshire schools and settings.
For further policies please see our policies page.