Every year, we use our school self- evaluation to help identify the priorities for school development during the coming year. These are organised into the 4 key areas of: Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development and Leadership and Management. All objectives are linked to our Christian distinctiveness because we know that it is by living our vision that the objectives are fulfilled.
In 2022-23 our priorities are:
The aims of our plan for this year are built on the following premises:
1. Quality of Education
All SEND pupils make exceptional progress from their starting points. SIAMS: Strand 2: Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration, and Courageous Advocacy Strand 4: Community and Living Well together Strand 5: Dignity and Respect
Spelling standards across the school are raised. SIAMS: Strand 2 Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
Maths teaching, learning and assessment in KS1 has a better impact on pupil outcomes. SIAMS: Strand 2 Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
Art and DT subject expertise and implementation is improved. SIAMS: Strand 2 Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
2. Behaviour and attitudes
We revisit the restorative approach with all staff so that pupils can be empowered to manage their relationships and solve problems effectively. SIAMS: Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration, and Courageous advocacy Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together Strand 5: Dignity and Respect |
We manage transition from EYFS to Y1 successfully so that attitudes to learning and enjoyment remain positive. SIAMS: Strand 2: Wisdom, Knowledge and skills Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration, and Courageous Advocacy Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together
3. Personal development
Gain RRS award and embed in children’s understanding. SIAMS: Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration, and Courageous Advocacy Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together Strand 5: Dignity and Respect
Complete Equaliteach programme to ensure high levels of equity, tolerance and understanding and eradicate identity based bullying across the school and parent community. SIAMS: Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration, and Courageous Advocacy Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together Strand 5: Dignity and Respect
Children and staff to recognise, understand and use the 3 intelligences – IQ, EQ and SQ SIAMS: Strand 2: Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration, and Courageous Advocacy Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together Strand 5: Dignity and Respect Strand 6: The impact of collective worship Strand 7: The effectiveness of religious education
4. Leadership and management
Ensure provision is recognised as excellent in SIAMS inspection. SIAMS: Strand 1: Vision and Leadership
Maintain pupil numbers, including Nursery (ensuring wrap around care is part of our offer).
Manage staff work-load and well-being so that roles are sustainable and staff retention is high. SIAMS: Strand 1: Vision and Leadership Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together Strand 5: Dignity and Respect